Michelle Passoff


Podcast Host
and Author









Make Room for What Matters

Volunteering is a Great Opportunity to Contribute, Make Friends and Learn

I began volunteering shortly after retiring from a 40-year career in health and human services. At my retirement party, Jane, a dear friend asked if I would be interested in volunteering at her community agency, Daystar Life Center, which serves our local homeless population, as well as low-income families and single adults with food, clothing, and financial assistance. I told Jane it sounded interesting, but first wanted to take a few months off to decompress. After two months of retirement, I was feeling the need to get out of the house and do something positive for our community.

I started volunteering at Daystar Life Center once a week. Initially, my responsibilities included interviewing clients for services, providing food, clothing, and other services. I’ve continued volunteering with Daystar and now primarily serve as a receptionist. My wife and I also deliver Meals on Wheels once a week and I also volunteer at our local cold night shelters on cold winter evenings.

For me personally, volunteering has been a huge blessing in my life. Working with likeminded people in service to others is a great way to make new friends. My wife and I still socialize with close friends we’ve known for years, but it’s also great fun meeting new people and forming new friendships. Volunteering has also helped me grow as a person. I’ve learned the people I serve as a volunteer really aren’t much different from me, I’ve just been lucky I’ve had a strong support system when facing difficult times. Others haven’t been as lucky, the phrase “But for the grace of God go I” definitely applies here. Volunteering also helps keep me mentally sharp and self-confident by learning new skills, problem solving and overcoming obstacles. Finally, just giving back to the community makes me feel better about myself and I truly believe I get way more out of it than I give.

There are many volunteer opportunities no matter where you live. You can volunteer as much or as little as you like. Find your niche. Perhaps you like working with youth, seniors, victims of domestic violence, serving meals at a local soup kitchen, caring for abandoned animals in shelters, etc. There is so much need and the opportunities are endless. Give it a try, there is a good chance you’ll love it.

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Volunteering is a Great Opportunity to Contribute, Make Friends and Learn

October 17, 2024  - Podcast Transcript