Michelle Passoff


Podcast Host
and Author









Make Room for What Matters

A Little-Known Secret For Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

A Little-known Secret For Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

There is a place for storage in everyone’s life – a shelf in the garage to stash camping equipment in winter, a basement corner to store extra fabric for craft projects; a spare room closet to tuck off-season or off-size clothes, maybe an outdoor shed for tools and an attic for Christmas decorations.

The folks at Storage Café, a nationwide storage space marketplace, claim that one in five Americans use public storage at a cost of $85 a month, on average, to accommodate the overflow of furniture, photos, dorm doodads and anything and everything from excess paperwork and old tax documents to piles of memorabilia. Twenty-one per cent of those renting storage happen to be Baby Boomers, by the way. Heh, we have busy lives and only so much space. Not. everything needs to be at our fingertips at all times and there is nothing wrong with that. However….

The one spot where storing extra shoes, summertime swimsuits, or the grandkids artwork is NOT under your bed. Leave that space free and clear because you must not forget that ‘stuff’ has energy and what lies underneath most definitely can disrupt peace and quiet. And, like it or not, even though the intent is to hide things underneath the box spring, whatever you are sequestering there can more often than not be seen. To put it nicely, what is under the bed just ain’t pretty so designate it as off-grounds as a storage spot.

While you are reconsidering where to segue what is falsely attempting to appear unobtrusive below the bed, take a look at the rest of the room. Have an eye out for other opportunities to tame the energetic chaos all around you. Afterall, the bedroom is where you want to rest. Random objects strewn on bedside tables and dressers can cause a cacophony of energetic noise just when you are trying to get some ‘z’s’. An ironing board and wrinkled laundry just out from the dryer should only temporarily be welcomed and swiftly returned to storage outside the bedroom before light’s out.

As long as you are mining for mess, take a pass through an adjacent bathroom and clean out the toiletries, medications, and who knows what other kind of doodads that don’t belong there or are outdated and expired.

A clean sweep of all items other than those you need. If what is called for if your bedroom is to be your sanctuary.

Sleep tight!

Picture of Michelle Passoff

Michelle Passoff

Host of the Decluttering 55+ podcast and author of LIGHTEN UP: Free Yourself from Clutter.

A Little-known Secret For Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

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A Little-Known Secret For Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

November 7, 2024  - Podcast Transcript