Michelle Passoff

Podcast Host
and Author









Make Room for What Matters

Decluttering 55+ Introduces ‘Next-level’ Clutter Cleaning

Michelle Passoff Decluttering for Seniors Podcast

Author Michelle Passoff Launches Podcast
To Help Make Room For What Matters

Michelle Passoff has long been on a mission to share the transformative power of decluttering. She has crisscrossed the USA and has travelled around the globe and back delivering classes, retreats, lectures, and private consultations with a message that continues to resonate with young and old, rich and poor, men and women: “Let go of too many papers, clothes, and other ‘stuff’ that you no longer want, need, use and love and watch what comes into the space you create — more, not less, of what you dream is possible,” says Passoff. She calls this ‘conventional clutter’ and promises miracles to those who align who they are with their environment. Now, Passoff’s message has matured and and her target   — Baby Boomers– has evolved!

She is introducing the “Decluttering 55+ with Michelle Passoff” podcast, which drops every Monday wherever listeners get their podcasts and on YouTube. Passoff is chatting it up with authors, experts, geeks, and authorities on both ‘conventional’ and ‘next-level’ clutter cleaning subjects.

““Letting go of conventional clutter is the easy part. “Next-level” clutter cleaning addresses areas of life that many of us over the age 55+ prefer to sweep under the carpet and deal with it another day – or never, “ says Passoff. The areas of life Passoff encourages us to reassess or take action on include resetting eating and exercise regimens; telling our life story; healing and creating new relationships; making decisions about where to live and what to do next in life; getting our financial house and legal papers in order; digital decluttering, and even making funeral arrangements.

“The podcast is a platform to bring these topics into the light of day, to get clear on what is baffling or confronting, learn new things, get in action and get things done!” says Passoff. “Next-level” clutter cleaning is a profound opportunity for seniors. It is an opportunity to invigorate one’s life and make room for what matters”, she says.

To sign up for announcements and decluttering news you can use, click on the “Let’s Connect” button at the www.decluttering55plus.com website.  Like, follow, and subscribe to Decluttering 55+ with Michelle Passoff  on your podcast platform and on all social media. Write a note of your challenges and successes. Share this information with your friends and family!

Picture of Michelle Passoff

Michelle Passoff

Host of the Decluttering 55+ podcast and author of LIGHTEN UP: Free Yourself from Clutter.

Michelle Passoff Decluttering for Seniors Podcast

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Decluttering 55+ Introduces ‘Next-level’ Clutter Cleaning

May 7, 2024  - Podcast Transcript