Michelle Passoff

Podcast Host
and Author









Make Room for What Matters

Let Go Of The Impulse To Spend and Buy

Let Go Of The Impulse To Spend and Buy

Whether we Americans shop as a hobby or as a necessity, it is safe to say that we do a lot of it.   About 70 per cent of our gross national product depends on it.  According to Yahoo/Finance, 24 per cent of Americans shop on Amazon alone at least once a week. Families spend close to $1,000 each year on Christmas gifts alone. We certainly do our share of spending on things we don’t need and can’t afford. Forty-two per cent of Americans go shopping just to treat themselves. On average, in any given year, credit card debt per American tops $6,000, despite what it does to one’s credit score and mental health.  Is there any wonder why people have too many things cramming their closets, cabinets, garages and attics. One way to reduce clutter, is to curb shopping enthusiasm.

There is no question that temptation is everywhere.  The number of brick-and-mortar stores to browse and buy is only outnumbered by how many social media ads selling online goods pop up here and there and always to tempt us all to do more of it. In much the same way as one has to say no to chocolate cake when they wish to slim down, a buyer needs to turn the other way when enough is enough and being clutter free is the goal.

Will one more dress boost your beauty just because it is on sale?  Do you really need another screw driver to add to the dozen or more you already own?  Is that extra pair of boots going to protect you any more from the snow than last year’s style?  Just because you like the cute saying on a coffee cup doesn’t mean you have to bring it home. Why not just appreciate it in the store, take a photo if you must, and keep moving.

If every time you have an urge to splurge, you added the amount of money you would spend to a special fund that could finance a vacation, a kids college tuition, or enhance your retirement savings, you may discover that your satisfaction in the long run is greater than your immediate gratification.

It is never too late to change old habits, so why not stop acting on impulse when it comes to accumulating more?   There is something to be said for taking on the ‘less is more’ perspective in life as you age.  It will give more room and greater flexibility to move freely through your home and your life without too much ‘stuff’ in the way.

Try less.  You might like it.

Picture of Michelle Passoff

Michelle Passoff

Host of the Decluttering 55+ podcast and author of LIGHTEN UP: Free Yourself from Clutter.

Let Go Of The Impulse To Spend and Buy

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Let Go Of The Impulse To Spend and Buy

October 10, 2024  - Podcast Transcript