It is a mystery as to why even the most clutter free person conducts themselves as if they have just been released from long-term solitary confinement once they are away from home and in a hotel room. Throwing clothes on the floor, draping them over the couch, or leaving them crumbled in an open suitcase appears to be a blow for freedom for some. Leaving towels wrinkled on the floor and dirty dishes on dresser tops is the look of a child whose parents have gone away for the weekend. But, don’t forget, you grew up. Come on, you guys – just because you are home away from home doesn’t mean that throwing everything around in a jumbled mess is your best option for the relaxing retreat you crave.
Clutter free travel conduct comes in handy and there are many reasons for not abandoning some best practices. How many times have you arrived at the second destination on a road trip without your razor or your dandruff shampoo?