Michelle Passoff


Podcast Host
and Author









Make Room for What Matters

Trunks Are For Transit, Not Permanent Storage

Trunks Are For Transit, Not Permanent Storage

There are tons of things you can pack into your car to go here, there and everywhere. That’s why 4-doors have trunks and SUVs have roomy cargo areas.  But if you are determined to live free from clutter, keep in mind that the car is not for permanent storage.  It is simply a pass-through.  In and out.  That’s it.  Not only is a clutter-free car a more pleasant experience than stepping into yesterday’s ‘stuff’, it is more safe and secure if your ride is not packed with this, that and the other thing.

If you are New Yorker or you come from San Francisco, or any other city large and small for that matter, you probably already know that it is not a good idea to pack the backseat or trunk of your car with anything.  It is like bait to a trout – a lure for anyone who is hungry enough to take what doesn’t belong to them. Even if it means breaking a lock or window, the contents of cars — large and small – are fair game for those who troll for fun or profit.   Don’t pique the curiosity of a thief by storing stuff in your vehicle.  Whether what you have in your trunk has value or not – it is worth it to a thief to go for the steal as long as they know their way around a lock or they have a crowbar. Having your trunk free from clutter will signal there is nothing inside worth the jailtime.  Security is one important reason to be clutter free in your car.

Moreover, according to AAA, the company that provides automotive insurance, travel and financial services since the dawn of cars, lots of random objects in your car can become missiles in an accident. Organizing your ride can prevent debris from becoming deadly missiles in a crash or tumbling into dangerous spots underfoot. Instead of storing seasonal items like beach chairs and umbrellas in the car, load them up when you are enroute for a swim and put them in a garage or storage room when you return.  No need to drag them with you when you are not headed to your favorite recreational destination. Safety goes a long way as an incentive to keep the car free from clutter.

Tossing luggage in your trunk for a weekend getaway or a trip to the airport, loading up on groceries after shopping, or stashing your yoga mat to and from exercise class are all well and good for hauling in your vehicle.  What else are trunks for, after all?  But when you arrive at or return from a destination, whatever you are carting does not need to remain in the car because storing things there is not meant to be permanent.

Your car is not a kitchen, and even if it was, it is not the place for the residual trash from your lunching and munching. If you eat on the run, toss the evidence of your indiscretions on the way out of the car.

If you use your car for business and your mobile office implies you have paperwork on the run, consider buying a rolling file that you can take in and out of the car as you come and go.

Protect your investment by keeping your car free from clutter. A good wash or detailing from time to time doesn’t hurt either.

Enjoy the ride!

Picture of Michelle Passoff

Michelle Passoff

Host of the Decluttering 55+ podcast and author of LIGHTEN UP: Free Yourself from Clutter.

Trunks Are For Transit, Not Permanent Storage

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Trunks Are For Transit, Not Permanent Storage

October 24, 2024  - Podcast Transcript